The Protagonist

Marie is a free agent employed by a multinational mercenary company, looking for fortune in the Desputed Zone. She is a one-woman army, enhanced with cybernetic implants and granted autonomy by her employer - free to make alliances with any faction and complete her assignments at her own discretion.
She's capable of both great compassion, completing her missions without killing anybody, and great cruelty - leaving no soul behind. Different approaches yield favors from different employers, of course.
But there's more to her identity than just being a merc and half-machine. She spends her time off in solitude, drinking Earl Grey and taking care of her cactus collection.

The World

The setting of Peripeteia is an alternate history world where the Cold War simmers on, where the end of history could never be declared and the bleak possibility of mutually assured annihilation is just a fact of life. Technology has accelerated in many fields, be it cybernetics, genetics, material design or ... propaganda. Ideologies of madmen poison the minds of the people more efficiently, with no one ever knowing truth, be they a opportunistic apparatchik, a cyborg conscript or an idealistic true believer.
The year is 19XX. Peripeteia takes place in a city on the border between the Polish Solidarity Republic, the Second Union and the EU. It's a metal sprawl known as the International Disputed Zone. A lawless place that no one can really claim to be theirs, where corruption accompanies opportunity. International agents, independent scientists and private military employees all hope that in this boiling pot of interests, ideals and agendas they will find fortune. Will you?

The Guns

The arsenal of weapons available to Marie is vast and diverse, with many guns based on real-life service weapons and prototypes.
In the world of Peripeteia, weapons designed by German Korobov aren't curiosities in museums but service rifles fielded by Second Union regiments, to the extent of different designs, with their vastly different mechanisms, quirks and silhouettes striking fear into both the West and Near East. The ex-KGB chairman of the Second Union was known to commission gun designs that seemed anachronistic, with a great emphasis on suppressibility, making them popular among special forces and assassins in the Disputed Zone. The ones can afford these elite weapons at least.
The Poles take pride in their indigenous designs, their engineers having found a chance to experiment with machines such as the Lantan rifle and various non-lethal technologies, in line with their ideology. Of course, in their right hand you'll find the good ol' AK clone, which even in a cyberpunk vision remains the workhorse of the post-soviet world.

The Implants

After the Soviet-Polish Resurrection War, large areas of pre-WWII territories were returned to the newly established Polish Solidarity Republic. Some of these areas still remain in a state of limbo, with neither nation able to lay claim to them. This includes the International Desputed Zone, a large industrial city that was once the hub of the Soviet Union's fledgling sciences of cybernetics and man-machine interfaces. Despite its disputed status, the city continues to exist in a state of dubious prosperity. Without ethics committees and ideological restrictions slowing down research, highly advanced cybernetics quickly became available to anyone that can afford them, be it a private entity or government organization.
Marie is gifted with an array of implants and cybernetic enhancements suited for her profession.
Fully upgradable, she is able to be outfitted with a number of cybernetic enhancements: advanced myoactuators increase her speed and strength; thermoptic camouflage gives her invisibility; and ocular photocathodes paired with liquid crystal retinal retroreflectors provide her with nightvision.

The Mechanics

Mechanics Peripeteia is a game about choice, a first person shooter mixing in RPG mechanics and deep stealth, if you choose to play this way. Our goal is to create a game where both a run-and-gun and pacifist approaches are viable. Our ambition is to create a game that fulfils Warren Spector's definition of an Immersive Sim. The mechanics at your disposal include:
• Leaning
• Fluid posture mechanic
• Ledge grabbing and shimmying
• A light/shadow and sound meter for assessing your concealment
• An elaborate 3D "tetris" inventory
• Augmentation and skill upgrades
• Deep and reactive conversations with NPCs
• Minigames for hacking and lockpicking
• Physics interaction system for crate stacking, door and ragdoll manipulation
• A location-based health system
• Limb augmentation system and limb loss
While some of the above aren't implemented yet, the final game will feature all the mechanics a true immersive sim needs and more.